Siletz Bay Music Festival
How do professional musicians prepare for a concert?
Observe an orchestra rehearsal in real time.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings, September 9, 10 and 11 will afford Lincoln County middle and high school students the opportunity to hear world class music while observing the dynamic between an orchestra and its maestro with the possible opportunity to meet with some of the musicians.
Rehearsals will take place at the B’nai B’rith camp located at 3509 NE East Devil’s Lake Road in Lincoln City.
Students are invited at 10:30am on Friday and Saturday to attend rehearsals which will feature two works by Beethoven, the 7th Symphony and the Emperor Concerto with the irrepressible Mei-Ting Sun soloing on the piano.
Sunday’s rehearsal at 9:30am will feature jazz with Karla Harris and the SBMF Rhythm Section as well as Native American Tribal pow wow and hip hop with a full orchestra backing. Tribal members Fish Martinez and Kunu Bearchum will be at the microphones.
For Broadway theatre aficionados, Sunday’s 10am rehearsal will feature the tribute to Stephen Sondheim with the full SBMF community choir. There is no cost to attend these rehearsals.

Please keep in mind that this is a working session for the musicians. We ask that everyone come and go with the minimum amount of noise or disruption.
Seating capacity is approximately 150. We have room for students and parents. There is plenty of parking for those shuttling kids to these events.
Shellie Stuart
Executive Director
Executive Director